Sunday, November 6, 2011

A to-do list of epicosity

In no particular order:

1. Clean my car
It is now so filthy that my sense of shame is more powerful than my hatred of car-washing.

2. Find employment
After keeping track of every cent I spent in 2011, I was pretty alarmed at the results. I mean, I knew I was spending beyond my means - but by that much? I have enough to see me scrape through one more year of uni.  Clearly I will need some in reserve for the end of 2012.  Time to find some additional way of earning it.

3. Start building a 'portfolio'
So I want to be a science writer in some capacity. And I've written almost no articles or anything to show for it! Ain't that a laugh.

4. Learn the Moonlight Sonata
The first bit, obviously (there are three movements; the third one is impossible.) The bit everyone knows and associates with 'The Moonlight Sonata'.  Because it's absolutely within my technical ability to play the piece. But being musically dyslexic (I find it nearly impossible to read sheet music), actually learning what notes to play is a far greater challenge.

5. See a psychologist
I guess this isn't something that most people make public, but thanks to the ubiquity of mental illness in society today, I wonder if the need to see a psychologist is more commonplace than people believe. I'm not sure what this says about society, or about psychology's place within it. The point is, for various reasons, I think it's something I need to do as well.

6. Take up pilates
A lifetime of bad posture is starting to make itself known to me in the form of chronic back pain and an inability to stand for very long periods without craving painkillers.  Apparently pilates is very good for this.

7. Find a new church
I think a fresh start might help me to actually 'be' the Christian I'm meant to be. The problem is overcoming my sheer laziness and overwhelming social anxiety.

8. Record decent versions of my songs
I feel pretentious calling myself a songwriter, but it's a hobby that I'm passionate about. There are at least a handful of songs I'm quite proud of, and would really love to see 'published' in musical form: properly recorded in a studio-type environment, with multiple instruments, and with vocals from someone who doesn't need Auto-Tune and copious amounts of reverb just to sound tolerable.

9. Maintain this blog and others
I have tried - with varying success - to write blogs previously. Only one has been anywhere near successful, both in terms of me writing regularly and in attracting more readers than myself and a few randoms who accidentally stumbled upon it while searching Google images.  Now I have this one, and also contribute to the general organisation and layout of another.

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