Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blog Attempt # 23,694,121,734...

In the past, I've tried to set up blogs with varying success.  Usually they end up falling into the 'I just don't have time to write decent stuff on a regular basis!' category and I go back to unproductively playing video games and reading books during holidays, or working like crazy on assignments during uni semester.

This time, I am determined that it will be different.

And unlike past failed blogs, which were narrowly focussed on certain interests of mine, this one will include ALL of the interests: books that I like! Science ideas! Ranting about pop culture! Personal whatevers! And so forth.
I hope I will have motivation this time.

As for an introduction (but who am I kidding? No one will read this), at the time of writing this I'm 21, live in Sydney, looking in terror at the end of a bachelor's degree in science (biology major), and hoping to somehow find my way into the field of science communication, preferably via some more uni study next year.  I like to write, I play piano, I'm more than a little bit neurotic, and am chronically single. That just about sums it up for now.

But here, look - this is my cat.
Cute even with a bucket on her head.

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